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Qualified Doctors

Our Qualified Doctors

These are all equivalent medical degrees. All doctors study at university for 5 or 6 years to obtain a medical degree, the exact name of this depends on the university. Medical Degree – BMBS, BM, MBChB. A doctor is someone who is experienced and certified to practice medicine to help maintain or restore physical and mental health. A doctor is tasked with interacting with patients, diagnosing medical problems and successfully treating illness or injury. Doctor is an academic degree, awarded by a university or similar institution. "Doctor" is used to refer to a person with a doctorate. People who have a doctor's degree may use the title "doctor", though in practice it is often used only by medical doctors. Medical doctors examine, diagnose and treat patients.

Our Expert Team

Our Doctors.

Dr Anant Dalal

Dr Amit Mann

Dr Surjeet

Transplant Cordinator Virendra

Dr Pawan Kapoor

Dr Sandeep Guleria

Dr Anil Sharma

Dr. Atul Garje

A good doctor is also one who is attentive, analytical, brave, calm, cooperative, creative, decisive, energetic, ethical, friendly, gracious, humorous, investigative, knowledgeable, mature, nurturing, observant, passionate, responsible, reassuring, selfless, skillful, trustworthy, vigilant, and wise..

What Makes a Good Doctor?
  • 1. Good doctors are good communicators
  • 2. Good doctors are organized and conscientious
  • 3. Good doctors are empathetic and make patients feel cared for
  • 4. Good doctors are curious
  • 5. Good doctors are collaborative
  • 6. Good doctors are persistent in advocating for their patients
  • 7. Good doctors have great bedside manner

“Physicians should be personable, great listeners, and empathetic to the concerns of their patients.”

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