24/7 Emergency care and Trauma are well-trained medical specialists and response team, ever-ready to handle emergencies effectively and efficiently..
The Website and App provide you the ability to pay online through a third-party payment gateway for some of the Services available on the Website or App.
Expert Nurse. The impact of expert nurses on patient outcomes is presented in quantitative and financial parameters that can be understood throughout the health .
Extending kidney life is our one and only aim.
Life with a solitary functioning kidney (SFK) has been considered by most physicians to be similar to living with two kidneys , a perception generally based on the excellent prognosis of kidney donors. Any SFK must perform the renal work normally undertaken by two kidneys. This compensatory adaptation is based on hyperfiltration of the nephrons, the functioning units of the kidney, which is present but considered to be a harmless response in a SFK to the reduction in functional nephron number. The last decade, our research group has performed the KIMONO study (KIdney of MONofunctional Origin) with the aim to study the development of renal injury in children with different origins of SFK. With this study we have demonstrated that a congenital SFK may lead to renal injury with hypertension and albuminuria, as well as to renal functional decline that may end in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) . The aim of this review is to discuss various issues that may be encountered in the life of an individual born with one kidney. As the prognosis of kidney donors was considered to be very good, having a SFK has been considered to be a benign condition...Read More
Mann Hospital, is a multi speciality Hospital in Haryana and a dedicated venture to serve the ailing with care, concern and commitment. It was commissioned 25 years back under the guidance of Dr. P. S. Mann D.C.H.M.D. (Pediatrics).
Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly. Our team has done more than 1lakh+ dialysis till now...
A kidney transplant is the transfer of a healthy kidney from one person into the body of a person who has little or no kidney function. The main role of the kidneys is to filter waste products from the blood and convert them to pee
Kidney transplant or renal transplant is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage kidney disease..
Renal perfusion is necessary to maintain normal urine output. Inadequate renal perfusion decreases GFR and increases tubular resorptive mechanisms as described earlier..
Your kidney donation could transform the life of someone dependent on daily.Donating your kidney is a potentially life-saving gift..
Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys also remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain a healthy..
Dr. P. S. Mann Born in a poor farmer family in 1948. He had polio attack at the age of 4 years. He was the brilliant student in his school and studied C scholarship. He was awarded no.of times. He lost his mother at the age of 12 years. But with his determination inspite of all the ods, He was selected in medical college
Rohtak and completed his MBBS, DCH and MD in pediatrics.
He was married with a simple village girl Smt. Darshan Mann in 1971. He achieved through out his life and he is one of the most honest and discipline person which one could ever see. Inspite of his physical disability he is still practising as an active pediatrician in multispecilality Hospital which shows that he has
nurtured exemplary dedication, hard work and honesty.